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Dr. Zsolt Aradszky, LLM
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LLM, lawyer specialized in law of data protection and data security, labour law, food law and banking law,
co-founder of the Aradszky and Képes Law Firm.


He studied at the Faculty of Law of Eötvös Loránd University, graduating with a Law degree in 1996. In Summer 1995, he studied in Bristol, UK, as a scholarship student. From 1993, he worked as a demonstrator in the Department of Civil Law and took part in the work of the student council for civil law. He speaks English and prepares legal documents in English.


In 1993, he began his career as a legal apprentice in a law firm, then from 1996 as a law clerk in the Andrási and Partners Law Firm. He passed his bar exams in 1998 and became an accredited barrister and member of the Budapest Bar of Attorneys on October 1, 1998. He co-founded the Aradszky and Képes Law Firm with his business partner Dr. György Képes on May 15, 2000.


His main areas of expertise are data protection and employment law. He has participated in GDPR compliance projects in many multinational companies and he prepares employment documentation (including collective agreements) as a legal consultant and representative for employers. In addition, he takes part in collective bargaining and provides legal representation in court for employers in employment disputes.


In 2000, he was awarded a postgraduate diploma in Banking and Finance Law from the ELTE Institute for Professional Legal Studies. In 2013, he earned a postgraduate diploma in Labour and Employment Law from the University of Pécs. His thesis addressed the development of practices in the Labour courts as well as the latest progress in the theme of the content of the employment agreements of managing employees. On 15 January 2020, he graduated from ELTE Faculty of Law with a master’s degree in Data Security and Data Protection. This degree gave him the designation Master of Laws (LLM) and his master’s thesis was on data handling in workplaces. On 24 February 2024, he received the postgraduate degree in Food Law from the University of Szeged.


Dr. Aradszky’s hobbies include history and international politics, reading and listening to music. When he can take the time, he enjoys sports, especially running and swimming.

Ezt a honlapot az Aradszky és Képes Ügyvédi Iroda, a Budapesti Ügyvédi Kamara által 0737. lajstromszámon bejegyzett ügyvédi iroda (adószáma: 18099270-2-41) tartja fenn, az ügyvédekre vonatkozó jogszabályok és belső szabályzatok szerint, melyek az ügyféljogokra vonatkozó tájékoztatással együtt a honlapon találhatóak. © 2015-2024 Aradszky és Képes Ügyvédi Iroda.

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