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Dr. Bálint Füredi
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Attorney at law, associate partner of Aradszky and Képes Law Firm.

Dr. Füredi was born on February 8, 1992 in Berettyóújfalu. He graduated in 2010 and went on to attend the Pázmány Péter Catholic University, where he studied at the Faculty of Law and Constitutional Studies, graduating with a Law degree in 2015. He speaks English and prepares legal documents in English.


He did his legal practice at the Budapest Administration and Labour Court. Following his graduation, he worked at an property development and management company as a legal instructor, where he provided legal evaluations of contracts and legal support for the company’s operations, as well as representing the company in administrative and civil proceedings and legal actions.

In 2017, he joined the Aradszky and Képes Law Firm as a legal clerk. After passing his final examinations, with outstanding results, he became a member of the Budapest Bar of Attorneys on September 23, 2020 and continued his career in Aradszky and Képes Law Firm as a partner.

In July 2022 he received a postgraduate degree in Financial Law. Thanks to this, the professional areas of Aradszky and Képes Law Firm have been supplemented with tax law which is an area of great significance in the field of business law in a broader sense.

His further areas of expertise include administrative and property law. He also has significant experience in laws regarding legal entities, in particular for-profit companies and non-profit organisations, as well as contract law and data protection law (GDPR).

Dr. Füredi’s hobbies are music, rock climbing and hiking, and he is also interested in film arts and literature. He regularly enjoys sport and is a member of the rock climbing branch of the Hungarian MAFC Sports Federation and the Hungarian Mountaineering and Sport Climbing Association.

Ezt a honlapot az Aradszky és Képes Ügyvédi Iroda, a Budapesti Ügyvédi Kamara által 0737. lajstromszámon bejegyzett ügyvédi iroda (adószáma: 18099270-2-41) tartja fenn, az ügyvédekre vonatkozó jogszabályok és belső szabályzatok szerint, melyek az ügyféljogokra vonatkozó tájékoztatással együtt a honlapon találhatóak. © 2015-2024 Aradszky és Képes Ügyvédi Iroda.

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